Monday, November 28, 2011

The manure tank still hasn't come! I said I would try to get a video of spreading so I am still going to try but for all I know it could come next week! I did get some new equipment for my 1/64 scale farm. I'll try to get a picture up of that stuff. I've been really busy and if we get the tank this week I'll be even busier! We got the door on the tractor finally I really had to push my dad to get it done but we did! Don't know about you, but I'm stuffed from Thanksgiving. This is a list of things I am thankful for:

1. Food.

2. A mom who is a great cook.

3. Friends/family especially my aunt which Thanksgiving wouldn't have been the same without.     

4. And 5 loving siblings.

5. A roof to live under.

6. A relashenship with god.

7. lots of land to play on and run.

8. and that I am free to remember and thank Jesus this Christmas

That is only a small list of things i am thankful for.  


  1. This is an awesome post, Cedric. Never stop being grateful. I'm so glad you enjoyed having Auntie Donna. I love that you are stuffed with thanksgiving.

  2. Oh Cedric, this is such an amazing post from you. I am so proud of you. And I am so thankful that you loved having me there as much as I loved being there with you. Your list of things to be grateful for is thoughtful and deep. You are a very special young man and I am learning so much from you. Keep writing and I will keep reading and learning.

  3. Thank you Cedric you are a joy to my heart!

  4. I love your composting video...and yes, your Mom is a great cook! You should be proud of your work incorporating your knowledge of farming with technology. Thanks for being such an advocate for farming. Tell your Mom I said "Hello from Holly" and keep up the great work!
